So your partner is thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail. Now what?

Andy, my spouse of 13 years, embarked on a flip-flop thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail on April 17! Here’s a selection of some of the questions I’ve been asked the most often since we started telling people about his trip.

(Because I am an editor in my day job and pedantic by nature, I feel the need to offer this note on spelling. I would like to spell it “through-hike,” but the ATC seems to use “thru-hike,” and who am I to argue with their authority? So I’m going with it.)

Andy and I are at in interesting juncture in our lives that’s not necessarily the stage at which many people attempt a long-distance trail thru-hike. (I tend to think of it more as a just-finished-high school-or-college or a retirement thing.) I’m starting this blog to feel a little less alone in the being the spouse who’s “left behind” at home, in hopes that there might be others out there who find themselves in this situation, too, and stumble across my words when they’re lying in bed at night panic Googling and not finding anyone else out there who understands. (Er, uh, maybe that was just me?) I’m figuring it out as we go along—join me on my journey!